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Details of Services

Transformative Strategies, Workshops and Training

YIJ provides customize strategies for the post covid workplace.  We have had to reimagine the work"force" as the work "Choice" with new tools, protocols, and lenses to adapt for higher productivity, increase attendance, and a reinvigorated employee who sees themselves as a value to a company that values them. 

Since the definition of the work-"place" has expanded to include places where people do thier work and/or use the tools for work; many employers have had to refine the meaning especially for the growing work-from-home employee.


The Work"force" employee has also expanded to work"choice" employee that is empowered by choice and not force as previous decades and industries have dictated. One way to increase productivity is for employers with high turnover or limited employee pool is be flexible enough to pivot to the person-centered employee who has a choice!  YIJ can show you how maximize the productivity of the work choice employee using our 4 impactful employee strategies! 

Employee Impact

Today's work-place has shifted from team players to an individual team of one.  For most individuals, teams are now a choice, not the norm. The isolation of covid has reformed how we see ourselves, the work environment and the work we do.  A sense of mortality (time limits) hovers above the jobs we choose and our commitment to them. Our mortality as employees now include the stress on our emotions (personal safety), finances (payment and benefits), minds (mental wellness), bodies (physical wellness), impact on relationships (quality of life) as the next elevation of employee benefits.

Employer Impact

Companies big and small, are at this new crossroad, finding themselves faced with the sign-posts ignored in the past.  Faced with blarring traffic signals that now navigate how fast, slow or stopped productivity can be from month to month.  There are strategies and shifts that companies can make to revive their economic base.  These strategies require innovation based on the new work place culture.  

A large part of this shift includes corporate training for work groups, teams and/or professional development specializing in customer sensitivity and team building.  YIJ offers modules ranging from long-term team improve strategies to short term day-to-day learning series.  In our training we provide safe spaces to explore subconscious thoughts, beliefs, tools, and actions to process, define and/or redefine vital foundational tools that unlock the ability for employment and/or retention in healthy and productive ways.

Work Place Retention and Intervention Strategies -Training modules designed to grow, intervene and retain existing/future workers.

Work Place Empowerment Summer Workshops - Specific series of training modules for summer youth employment programs in Customer Sensitivity, Polished Work Ethic and Employability Skills, Personal Brand Identity, and Resolving and Avoiding Peer Conflicts. Group training for up to 30. 

Expanding Employee Assistance Strategies – Pairs low-cost incentives benefiting and retaining existing employees.

Social Purposeful Strategies – Independent businesses created to fill void and meet the gaps in EAP increasing retention.

Customer Sensitivity Strategies – Special frontline employee customer engagement tools to create optimum customer service and highly engaged employees.


Employment Readiness Strategies – A series of modules designed to create a work ready employee bank, retool existing employees with positive work ethic tools and supports, create a win-win strategy for company and employee that ensures less gaps in productivity by replacing departing employee with work replacement reducing recruitment efforts on Human Resource teams.  

Why our New Model for Employee Retention Works

YIJ Work-Choice/Employee Retention and Intervention Trends is motivated by our post-covid shifts, socio-cultural mindsets, and the integration of a blended intergenerational workforce.  Often, the values and expectations of each generation expecially those new to the work-choice have a significant impact of the culture of the workplace.  For younger generations; typically 30 and under opportunities such as summer youth employment, internships, work culture and work ethic have been cultivated independently of traditional workplace systems and are deeply influenced by the extension of technology, media and immediacy creating personal expectations that include the pairing of technology in-hand at all times.  Other growing trends directly influence the potential work and marketplace and the existing worker must adapt as younger generations begin to assume larger percentages of the workforce and consumer spending.

With these trends in mind, YIJ has identified several retention pathways that will sooth training transitions and build healthy bridges based on the brand identity of the workplace, work-choice and individual workers.


Social and Holistic Career Pathways that potentially requires training, experience and/or unique gifts and abilities that pay a living wage and consists of a growing and transient market.  This collective is often in their business part-time and seek ways to increase their customer base and recognize the growing demand for their products and/or services. 


Impacted Industries need consistent customer base to increase revenue to a living wage, working space to host products/services, and ability to purchase needed supplies. Impact to Economy in Southeastern Michigan consumers get needed resources (products/services), affordable rates (and/or covered by insurance) for consistency of service, and consumers are healthier and less stressed.

Workplace Policy Barriers insurance company policies for billing these types of enterprises, continuum from recruitment to training to business acumen to revenue generation, streamline customer demand and/regulatory impact. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) how can companies embed these costs in their EAP programs. 

Work-Choice Revitalization, according to Mental Health America, in the U.S., experiences 98% of mid to large companies offer Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), but only about 4% of employees use them on an annual basis.  They recommend employers to increase its employees understanding of the EAPs, including services offered and accessibility, and privacy. 

The primary reasons why employees are not using EAPs are 1) Employees awareness that it exists, 2) knowledge of services offered and thier relevance to the employee,  3) the fear that their employer may be tracking their usage of services and use the knowledge against them in some way.  These key factors prevents employees from seeking services.


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We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to connect us to workplace ready employers for a renewed work-choice; work-place. 


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